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500,000 Telugu Matches and Counting
Sai & Paladi
He indicated interest, which we accepted; after that, we got to know one another through family connections; and finally, we got engaged. Thank you for Read more
Manasi & Mamilla
I finally found my angel and after meeting her i knew this was the end of my search for finding my lifetime partner. After my wife expired I was not ready for remarriage until i met Manasi Chetty. When I heard her voice for the first time and we spok... Read more
Vijay & Priyanka
I met my partner on Shaadi app and nothing else I want in my life she's very beautiful soul i ever met and soon we are tieing knot. Read more
Nagendra & Sowjanya
We met on this Platform to look out for a better half and we found more than that. After searching and chatting with funny, creepy, egoistic, etc people we had lost hope but finally, we found each other it was like a match made in heaven both underst... Read more
Nagendra & Sowjanya
We met on this Platform to look out for a better half and we found more than that. After searching and chatting with funny, creepy, egoistic, etc people we had lost hope but finally, we found each other it was like a match made in heaven both underst... Read more
Tej Kamal & Priya
I have decided to marry in month of August and found her on the first day in and it went with 2 meetings and we decided to lock our self on October 29th 2020. Thank you Read more
Smrithy & Thrimurthy
We liked each other on the day one itself & found that our compatibility is very good we decided to move further so spoken with our families and now we are happily married. tq so much to help me find my soulmate. Read more
Satish & Pramila
We met in We share our working details, hobbies, family backgrounds through messenger, we understand each other very well. So we decided this is the best match for us, so both are interested in each other. After that we told our parents, ... Read more
Vejaynaidu & Yogesfary
Hello Shaadi. I've found my life partner via your platform! Thanks to you. We bump into each other in Shaadi and connected based on each other preferences. Then, We mingled well, had good chemistry, we then introduced our family to each other. Thank ... Read more
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